
Plagiarism in 70 types of intertextual error patterns

15. bis 17. Juni 2015

Tallinn, Estland

Veranstaltet von
European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW)

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Tony Franzky, Sabina Krämer

Academic discussion of plagiarism focuses on scientific writing and publication strategies, with an emphasis on topics such as detection, prevention, and dealing with plagiarism, and the establishment of evidence-based academic writing courses for students.  Many studies of the problems students face in correctly referencing texts rely heavily on statements made by the students themselves, which may not be sufficient for the development of a successful concept for writing instruction. Our study focuses on student-written texts, which allows us to draw conclusions about (a)typical writing acts based on a typology of  mistakes. This enriches academic discussion of scientific plagiarism, because so far it seems to be impossible to develop concrete criteria for determining the intertextual quality of a text.