Konferenzen und Tagungen

Plagiarism Prevention Project - Refairence

10. bis 12. Juni 2015

Hotel Continental, Brno, Czech Republic, Kounicova 6

Veranstaltet von
International Conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2015

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Tony Franzky, Kerstin Eleonora Kohl, Sabina Krämer, Ute Nunnenmacher, Ansgar Schäfer, Oliver Trevisiol

  • Poster- und Materialpräsentation
  • Leitung des Workshops "Teaching against plagiarism - proven methods and new ground"


The workshops presents two innovative concepts for plagiarism prevention. It aims to inspire
participants to think about and design alternative ways of teaching. First, the workshop presents the teaching tool “Voluntary Plagiarism Check” and how it is established and conducted at the PH Freiburg, Germany. The participants are invited to discuss about this software-based approach of prevention reflecting their own experiences. Secondly, a new mobile e-learning tool is introduced. This App-based tool shows, how new technical possibilities go hand in hand with up to date concepts of teaching. The participants can outline a concept, how it could be used in their university.