Plagiarism is widely discussed in institutions of higher education. The project aims firstly to prevent intertextual mistakes and plagiarism by means of target-group and subject-specific qualification, secondly by professional workflows and detection.
Intertextual mistakes appear due to disability and ignorance towards good scientific methods on one side to intentional fraud on the other side. To achieve intertextual correctness to the highest possible level and thus well written texts, prevention is the first and best measure to insure high quality results before detection and sanctionizing. Scholars, faculties, libraries, writing centres, registrar's offices, and academic administrations work on preventing plagiarism. The project envisages to support them with concepts, material, trainings, advice, and recommendations.
These materials and products will be provided not only for the collaborating universities, but also any other institution of higher education interested in using them (Creative Commons Licence).
8 Aims of the project
- Constructing a typology of intertextual mistakes in student texts
- Gathering and comparing good practices of different institutions of higher education (national and international)
- Developing institution- and subject-specific strategies of teaching
- Designing teaching and learning material and tools, e.g. e-learning modules
- Creating and implementing train the trainer-courses for young academics and multiplicators
- Preparing standard workflows for cases of (suspected) plagiarism
- Providing recommendations for the use of plagiarism detection tools and software
- Distributing the material under Creative Commons Licence
Project duration
Jan 2014 - Dec 2016
The contact persons will be available to answer your questions even after the end of the project. We will also continue to update and add content to the webpages. A continuation of the project will take place, i. a. as part of or within the frame of the Erasmus+-project ""European Network of Academic Integrity (ENAI)".
Collaborating institutions
- Universität Konstanz, Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM)
- Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (University of Education Freiburg)
- Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG), associated project partner
Funding institution
Innovation and quality fund (IQF) by the Ministry for Science, Research and Arts and the universities of Baden-Württemberg.
Funding amount: ca. 500.000 EUR