
Promoting integrity in the academia and beyond: considering the real world(s)

Samstag, 28. Februar 2015
11:30 bis 12:45 Uhr

Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel, Vancouver, Canada, Salon F

Veranstaltet von
International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Ute Nunnemacher, Ansgar Schäfer, Oliver Trevisiol

Several German officeholders have resigned having been convicted of plagiarism.
Our presentation offers an insight into the ensuing debate in Germany and the search
for solutions to promote academic integrity. We will present characteristics of the German
higher education system and our own university. From these observations, we will derive consequences for designing a strategy for plagiarism prevention. We will evaluate the effectiveness
of tools, e.g. plagiarism detection software. Finally, we summarize how the endeavors in
the world of academia may effect integrity in the world outside the campus.

Lecture and discussion.